It’s all about you.  Money, business, life can be easy.
May 16, 2017
Millie Swann
It’s all about you. Money, business, life can be easy.

Many millions of $$ are going towards depression and stress on employees. No one speaks about the tragic effect of stress & anxiety on leaders and business owners, especially for men and women who are struggling.

Life has its ups and downs, the effects are terrible on their families and on a wider scale - the whole economy - many millions of dollars lost due to low productivity. According to Millie, the reality is that men are the majority of leaders, the silent ones who are struggling.  hey never seek help. They are stoic and they are desperately unhappy and unfulfilled.

If we could address stress & anxiety before it becomes depression, many marriages, business and family situations would be improved and people would live happier lives.

Millie is an executive business change strategist and a member of Rotary Central Melbourne.