Donations in Kind (DIK)
DIK is a program supported by Rotary Clubs in Australia which grew out of the compassion and concern of returning overseas volunteers.
This recycling and reuse program involves the collection, sorting, packing, despatch and distribution of donated items to countries in need of these goods.
Many goods and products, for which organisations in Australia have no further use, are valuable commodities in needy countries.
Our committee is ever-alert to the possible connection of a need uncovered somewhere – it could be books, surgical tables, bicycles, all sorts of things – and the availability of goods through DIK to fill a need and the means of delivering.
Our committee and our club support this wonderful enterprise through working bees – sorting and packing at DIK’s warehouse in West Footscray.
RCM strongly supported DIK this Rotary year, in both cash and kind, by:
organising 3 working bees on site, and
agreeing to pay a share of the rental at its site at Somerville Road, West Footscray.