Horse Racing’s Position in Modern Society
Jan 21, 2025 7:40 AM
Terry Henderson
Horse Racing’s Position in Modern Society

Terry will outline the current trends that exist in horse racing, focusing on the impact of the sport domestically and globally. He will discuss how the sport can function responsibly, in respect of both horse welfare and its relationship with the gambling industry. He will also discuss the challenge of attracting young people into the sport.

Terry has been racing horses for over 40 years. His horses have won the Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide and Brisbane Cups as well as each mainland state Derby and the New Zealand Derby. His business, OTI Management races horse in Europe, Australia and New Zealand and has won races in nine countries.

Terry has an economics degree in transport and prior to its being sold to French group Vivendi in 1996, he founded and operated Henderson Logistics. He has held numerous board positions in the transport industry and is a past chairman of the Chartered Institute of Transport (Australia).