
Charlie Allen APM is well respected within policing for his community-centred approach. He will outline his innovative approach to peacebuilding and strengthening resilience.
Charlie is a facilitation, resilience, leadership, and peacebuilding professional with over 30 years’ experience. His early experience is grounded in the security sector with 35 years with Victoria Police. Over the past decade he has expanded his peacebuilding experience working in south, southeast, and eastern Asia, western and eastern Africa, MENA region and Oceania. His areas of specialty include, peacebuilding, process facilitation, training design and delivery, resilience practice, leadership development, organisational and community systems change.
Creating safe spaces and establishing connection between participants are key components to Charlie’s approach. His education includes Masters in Leadership and Organisational Change, and post graduate studies in Peace and Conflict Prevention, Good Governance and Human Rights. In his recent experience as the Director of Partnerships with Institute for Economics and Peace, IEP, he facilitated Positive Peace workshop with a wide range of partners globally, using the empirically derived IEP Positive Peace framework. He now heads up Space Melbourne shifting focus back to resilience.
Charlie is currently the Immediate Past President of the Rotary Club of Sydney, Australia. He is a peace and conflict prevention technical cadre member, and active in peace building within Rotary.