Silk-Miller Scholarship
Our club supports the Youth Suicide Awareness program at the Centre of Adolescent Health at the University of Melbourne through our Club's Silk-Miller Scholarship.
This is a two year partially funded scholarship that supports a current member of the Victorian Police Force.
It was named in honour of officers Sergeant Gary Silk and Senior Constable Rodney Miller who lost their lives in the line of duty in 1998.
At June 2024, 27 Victoria Police members have received this annual award. This year the Club received special financial assistance from The Rotary Foundation which was vital in ensuring continuation of the program.
The 2024 Scholar is Senior Sergeant Stephen Turner. Stephen, along with other scholarship winners and senior members of Victoria Police attended a Club meeting in March 2024, where he received his award and addressed Club members. He highlighted how the studies will assist him in his role working with youth to keep them out of the justice system or to arrange diversion programs.