Who may join?
Want to join?
Membership is by invitation. You may only apply for membership after having been invited by a current member of this club. You may, however, contact the club to discuss your interest in joining.
The standard Constitution covering all Rotary clubs sets down the qualifications for membership as adult persons who demonstrate good character, integrity, and leadership; possess good reputation within their business, profession and/or community; and are willing to serve in their community and/or around the world.
CLASSIFICATIONS: Professional Representation
Rotary uses a classification system to establish and maintain a vibrant cross-section or representation of the community's business, vocational, and professional interests among members and to develop a pool of resources and expertise to successfully implement service projects. This system is based on the founders' paradigm of choosing cross-representation of each business, profession, and institution within a community. A classification describes either the principal business or the professional service of the organization that the Rotarian works for or the Rotarian's own activity within the organization. Some examples of classifications include: high schools, universities, eye surgery, banking, pharmaceutical retailing, petroleum-distribution, and insurance agency. There may not be more than 5 members of the same classification in clubs with 50 or less members or 10% of members of a club in each classification with over 50 members. (These figures exclude retired persons).An existing Rotarian may transfer from another club providing they have terminated their membership in the former club and are invited to membership of their new club.
Under the rules of Rotary, clubs may not limit membership on the basis of gender, race, colour, creed, national origin, or sexual orientation.